Tien verenigingen zijn bij ons aangesloten waarvan de grootste meer dan 250 leden hebben. Hieronder vind je meer informatie over onze leden.

Hi! Here is the introduction text for Blueshell: We are Blueshell Esports, Twente’s very own gaming and esports association! With over 200 members, 15 member-run committees representing different games and activities, and weekly online and offline events, we aim to connect our members in any which way they want. We house a bustling gaming community, organize regular online and offline events and present opportunities for competitive play.

Erasmus Esports is a place that aims to be inclusive; with a place that allow gamers from all walks of life to compete, have fun and meet like minded people. We do through providing them with a welcoming environment for socialisation, casual gaming, competitive gaming. Situated in Rotterdam we offer club evenings, diverse activities and a safe environment to make the player feel involved. In the end everyone is welcome, and anyone can play!

Esports Team Twente is the 7th official student team of the University of Twente. We have taken up the challenge to bring gaming to the next level by combining research and engineering of multiple disciplines with the aim of improving esports performance.


DSEA is de oudste studentenvereniging die zich specifiek richt op esports. DSEA geeft alle studenten in Delft en omstreken de kans om een esports team te joinen en aan toernooien mee te doen. Daarnaast zijn er wekelijkse lan-parties en andere evenementen waar leden gezellig samen komen om te gamen.

E.S.E.V. Zephyr is the student esports association of Eindhoven. We are the place where students interested in gaming and esports meet and play together. Competitive and casual gamers come together to hone their skill and have fun at the same time. With our over 10 member-run committees we organize fun activities and competitions, such as gaming tournaments, BBQs, LAN, or weekends. We are currently hosting League of Legends, Super Smash Bros, CS2, Rocket League and Valorant as our main games.

WSG Paragon, opgericht op 2 november 2017, is de studenten gaming en esports vereniging in Wageningen. Met een grote diversiteit aan leden is Paragon de vertegenwoordiger van gaming binnen het Wageningse studentenleven. Naast een plek voor esports vinden we het belangrijk om een inclusieve community te vormen. Alles van videogames en esports, tot aan TTRPS’s, trading card games en zelfs warhammer wordt gespeeld onder de leden van Paragon.

Dorans is the student e-sport association from Nijmegen! Members of Dorans are given the opportunity to join weekly trainings, join fun activities and to participate in big tournaments. We offer e-sports such as League of Legends, Valorant, Super Smash Bros and Rocket League, but we also play some casual games like board games and D&D. Dorans is affiliated with the Radboud University Nijmegen and the NSSR.

Fairplay is THE e-sports association for students in Groningen. In cooperation with the USVA, we want to promote competitive e-sports and above all have fun doing so. That’s why we organize trainings and competitions, but also more social gaming activities. We aim to create a relaxed ambiance in our association where you do not necessarily have to compete, but can also interact and talk about about your favourite games! At this point we mainly organize Smash Ultimate training sessions and competitions several times a month.

TSEA Link was created in 2015 with the mission of providing students in Tilburg a place to practice their prefered esports in a structured and competitive way. Over the years the association has grown to include many aspexts like casual gaming and some tabletop. Our big goal is to increase the availability for students to practice and compete at their preferred esports of choice at the competitive level they desire while also facilitating a social environment where students can meet like-minded people.
Copyright © Nederlandse Bond voor Studenten E-Sports 2023